Transformers - Legacy - Elita-1
Elita-1 is a character that really only appeared once in the 80s cartoon, and it known to be Optimus Prime's love interest. She has also been portrayed as the resistance leader on Cybertron for the Autobots.
You can find more information about the "Legacy" toy line by clicking the link below:
For more details on the character and it's origin please refer to the wikipedia:
Toy Statistics
Character Name: Elita-1
Character Faction: Autobot
Model Number: N/A
Toy Class: Deluxe Class
Toy Box Size: 16 x 6.5 x 20 (cm), 6 x 2.5 x 8 (inch)
Robot Mode: 6 x 5 x 14 (cm), 2x 2 x 5.5 (inch)
Vehicle Mode: 6 x 11 x 5 (cm) 3 x 4 x 2 (inch)
Accessories: Two laser rifle, detachable antenna.
Pricing Average: $19.99 (US), £16.99, $34.99 (AUD)
The robot mode is very close to the original designs of the 80s Elita-1. Didn't quite understand why there is a detachable antenna as an accessory, I would have preferred something different, I think it was a cheap attempt to make it looks like her head would transform into the antenna but it doesn't. I like the car transformation, but its not combined cohesively in some parts of the vehicle mode.
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