Transformers - Legacy - Motormaster
Motormaster is the leader of the combiner team called "Stunticons", as part of the legacy toyline they decided to remake the stunticons closer to the 80s cartoon that a lot of older fans appreciate.
You can find more information about the "Legacy" toy line by clicking the link below:
For more details on the character and it's origin please refer to the wikipedia:
Toy Statistics
Character Name: Motormaster
Character Faction: Decepticon
Model Number: N/A
Toy Class: Commander Class
Toy Box Size: 33 x 10 x 28 (cm), 13 x 4 x 11 (inch)
Robot Mode: 9 x 5 x 17 (cm), 4 x 2 x 7 (inch)
Combined Mode: 18 x 7 x 31 (cm), 7 x 3 x 12 (inch)
Vehicle Mode (Incl. Trailer): 9 x 28 x 11 (cm) 3 x 11 x 4 (inch)
Accessories: Trailer (Can become a mini base as well as a mounted gun), Sword, Detachable Laser cannon.
Pricing Average: $89.99 (US), £101.99, $179.99 (AUD)
Interesting toy, the trailers acts like the frame for Menasor, however the trailer is build together in pieces rather then it being one cohesive object that transforms into the frame. The design is true to the original cartoon and aesthetically the toy is really well done. Only thing I wished they could have done better was find a way to utilize the mount for the laser cannon when in Menasor form, it acts as a prop piece, would have liked it if it was able to be used as a shield or backpack as well as act as a mount.
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