Studio Series - 86 - Coronation Starscream - 12


This toy is part of the Studio Series toy line specifically based on the 1986 transformers cartoon movie. This one is based on a scene in the movie where Starscream anoints himself as the new leader of the decipticons, wearing this cape and crown.

You can find more information about the original 1986 transformers movie by clicking the link below:

Transformers The Movie 1986

For more details on the character and it's origin please refer to the Wikipedia:


Toy Statistics

Character Name: Starscream    
Character Faction: Decipticon
Model Number: 12
Toy Class: Leader
Toy Box Size: 22 x 10 x 26 (cm), 9 x 4 x 10 (inch)
Robot Mode: 14 x 6 x 17 (cm), 6 x 3 x 7 (inch)
Vehicle Mode: 15 x 21 x 8 (cm),  6 x 9 x 3 (inch) 
Accessories: Shoulder laser rifle x2, Shoulder armor x 2, Crown, Cape, Deception thrown.
Pricing Average: $52.99 (US), £44.99, $89.99 (AUD) 


If you already own earthrise Starscream, this one is no different except for some colour differences, and the extra finger movements. He can't really sit on the throne properly, would have been nice if the chair has some slot for him to be able to lock into. The crown and shoulder armor are neat and fit well, but the cape could have been better if it was cloth, might have been cheaper for Hasbro to produce in the end. I like how the accessories can all be fitted behind or under the throne.

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