This toy is part of the line of transformers toys for the third installment of the "War for Cybertron" trilogy called "Kingdom". This Ultra Magnus is more true to the original G1 animation in the 80s, again this version of Ultra Magnus did not appear in the cartoon series, and was made to be part of a toyline to be sold to old school fans of the transformers series.
You can find more information about the "War for Cybetron" trilogy by clicking the link below:
War for Cybertron Trilogy
For more details on the character and it's origin please refer to the Wikipedia:
Ultra MagnusToy Statistics
Character Name: Ultra Magnus
Character Faction: Autobots
Model Number: WFC-K20
Toy Class: Leader Class
Toy Box Size: 23 x 10 x 28 (cm), 9 x 4 x 11 (inch)
Robot Mode: 13 x 20 x 9 (cm), 5 x 8 x 4 (inch)
Vehicle Mode: 8 x 29 x 10(cm), 3 x 11 x 4 (inch)
Accessories: two shoulder missile launcher attachments, Laser rifle.
Pricing Average: $49.99 (US), £49.99, $79.99 (AUD)
Transformation is exactly the same to the Ultra Magnus SIEGE version, The only difference is the head sculp and the white truck looks more like a truck then cybetronian vehicle. I would have liked to see the same amount of accessories as the SIEGE version, but we seem to get less for this version. The vehicle mode is where it falls flat and is nothing like the 80s cartoon series, the trailer is not really a trailer and cannot turn and swerve with the truck, would have been better if they made a whole new mould for this version but it would have cost them more.
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