This toy is part of the line of transformers toys for the third installment of the "War for Cybertron" trilogy called "Kingdom". Rodimus Primes makes his first debut in the 1986 transformers cartoon movie, making him the new leader of the autobots, again another character that doesn't actually appear in the Netflix TV series, but was probably added into to toy line to make sales from fans of that era like me.
You can find more information about the "War for Cybetron" trilogy by clicking the link below:
War for Cybertron Trilogy
For more details on the character and it's origin please refer to the Wikipedia:
Rodimus PrimeToy Statistics
Character Name: Rodimus Prime
Character Faction: Autobot
Model Number: WFC-K29
Toy Class: Commander Class
Toy Box Size: 27.5 x 32.8 x 8.6 (cm), 11 x 13 x 3.4 (inches)
Robot Mode: 19 (cm), 7 (inch)
Vehicle Mode: 13 x 25 x 12.5(cm), 5 x 10 x 5 (inch)
Accessories: Laser Rifle, Sword, mounted turret, two smoke effects pieces, 6 blast effects pieces, matrix shine effect piece, Autobot Matrix of leadership.
Pricing Average: $79.99 (US), £79.99, $149.99 (AUD)
Very good compacted transformation for both the robot and vehicular mode, transformation parts are well hidden, good articulation in the hands. Trailer doesn't close entirely flush, the leg transformation for hiding the tires seems is not given enough spacing.
Packing Images
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