This toy is part of the line of transformers toys for the third installment of the "War for Cybertron" trilogy called "Kingdom". Optimus primal is part of a separate transformers series called "Beast Wars", again this toy was probably revised for not only for the "War for Cybertron" series but also as another means to sale more toys to collectors and people of nostalgia.
You can find more information about the "War for Cybetron" trilogy by clicking the link below:
For more details on the character and it's origin please refer to the wikipedia:
Optimus Primal
Toy Statistics
Character Name: Optimus Primal
Character Faction: Maximals
Model Number: WFC-K8
Toy Class: Voyager Class
Toy Box Size: 17 x 8 x 24 (cm), 7 x 3 x 9 (inch)
Robot Mode: 12 x 6 x 16 (cm), 4 x 2 x 6 (inch)
Beast Mode: 10 x 13 x 10 (cm), 4 x 5 x 4 (inch)
Accessories: Two blades.
Pricing Average: $24.99 (US), £29.99, $49.99 (AUD)
Transformation is very basic, does cover most of the robots bits in beast mode, I like the extra finger movements always nice to have, plastic feels really good and solid. Not enough accessories, would be nice if it came with some laser effects, would be nice if there was a bit more detail on the back in robot mode to hint at a jetpack like the old cartoon series. Blades look weird attached to the back in beast mode, would have been nice if they folded and hid underneath the back flap.
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