This toy is part of the toy line for the third instalment of the "War for Cybertron" trilogy called "Kingdom". Warpath is another character that does not appear in the series, but is added to the toy line for collectors who wants that nostalgia "feels". Warpath is one of the favorites among fans, for me personally it was the original voice and colour scheme that made me remember him, plus the fact that he transforms into a tank, "Wham Bam!".
You can find more information about the "War for Cybetron" trilogy by clicking the link below:
War for Cybertron Trilogy
For more details on the character and it's origin please refer to the Wikipedia:
WarpathToy Statistics
Character Name: Warpath
Character Faction: Autobots
Model Number: WFC-K6
Toy Class: Deluxe Class
Toy Box Size: 16 x 6.5 x 20 (cm), 6 x 2.5 x 8 (inch)
Robot Mode: 7 x 7 x 13 (cm), 3 x 3 x 5 (inch)
Tank Mode: 6 x 10 x 6 (cm) 2 x 4 x 2 (inch)
Accessories: Shield
Pricing Average: $19.99 (US), £16.99, $34.99 (AUD)
Design of the toy is very much like the G1 transformers cartoon of the 80s. I like that the body is actually the tank head and not just there for aesthetics. Transformation wise it interesting and fun but spacing was not considered especially the combination of the arm and legs together to transform into the tank. No real accessory except the shoulder shield, understood that the G1 cartoon Warpath never really had a pistol, but would have been nice to get some blast effects or alien mask like in one of the episodes.
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