This toy is part of the line of transformers toys for the "War for Cybertron" trilogy called "Earthrise". Airwave is a character based off the 1980s micromasters toy line Decepticons, however Airwave in that toy line was a microbot that transforms into a jet plane and comes along with a base facility accessory. For this series they used the base designs of the original home base unit and made it into a transformer on it's own.
You can find more information about the "War for Cybetron" trilogy by clicking the link below:
War for Cybertron Trilogy
For more details on the character and it's origin please refer to the Wikipedia:
AirwaveToy Statistics
Character Name: Airwave
Character Faction: Decepticons
Model Number: WFC-E18
Toy Class: Deluxe Class
Toy Box Size: 16 x 6.5 x 20 (cm), 6 x 2.5 x 8 (inch)
Robot Mode: 10 x 4 x 13 (cm), 4 x 2 x 5 (inch)
Base Mode: 6 x 18 x 7 (cm), 2 x 7 x 3 (inch)
Accessories: Extra laser pistol that can act as a gun attachment to the arm.
Pricing Average: $19.99 (US), £16.99, $34.99 (AUD)
Very fun to play with, everything can come apart and it's up tp your imagination to make it into anything, the instruction also shows more then one base mode, and you can even make the base mode of the old toy. Not quite the colours of Decepticons but that's subjective.
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